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Baker Tilly International has entered into a strategic testing partnership with high growth fintech company Inflo, in a move that is set to transform client experience across the global accountancy network.

Baker Tilly International Enters Into Strategic Testing Partnership with Inflo
Monday, May 20, 2019

Investing in industry-leading technology to improve client experience and drive success

Baker Tilly Canada invests in technology

Our network member in Canada is enhancing its day-to-day operations and client interactions through continued investment in cutting-edge technology.  

Grant Galbraith, the national chair of Baker Tilly Canada, Canada’s largest group of independent chartered accounting firms, explains the significance of this new round of investment for the network's firms and clients.

"As leaders in providing value-added audit, tax and advisory services, we're always looking for innovative ways to evolve our current practices to better equip our firms, improve our clients' experiences and drive their business success.

"Our investment in the tools of tomorrow reflects our continued commitment to local expertise, service excellence and building a solid foundation of growth in the present, for the future."

As well as integrating advanced machine learning and data analytics programmes, Baker Tilly Canada is streamlining its approach to assurance and advisory best practices to deliver value-added financial services.

"This project is a big step forward in integrating more tools and elevating the value of our service offerings", says Robert Blais, partner and chair of the Professional Practice Advisory Committee, the group that is driving this project. “This initiative will create new ways for our advisors to provide technology-enabled solutions, insights and strategic business moves for their clients efficiently and effectively."

This is the latest example of the network's continued commitment to delivering game-changing value to every client across a wide range of industries.

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