Regional structure

Baker Tilly International operates geographically through four regions: Asia Pacific; Europe, Middle East and Africa; Latin America; and North America. Each region has a Chair, appointed by the International Board, who leads an advisory council made up of partners (or the equivalent) from and elected by members in that region.

Some Chairs are supported by a full-time Regional Director whose role includes the co-ordination and development of business between members, the recruitment of new firms as necessary and the implementation of the global strategy within their region.

Asia Pacific

Regional Chair

Andrew Heng

Regional Director

Chao Mu

Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

Regional Chair

Xavi Mercadé

Regional Director

Fabio Delbosco

Latin America

Regional Chair

Gonzalo Hordeňana

Regional Director

Fatima Reims

North America

Regional Chair

Fred Kosteki

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