International Board

The International Board, which consists of a minimum of 15 elected members, has ultimate responsibility for upholding the values and standards and setting the procedures of the network, and oversees the work of the CEO and the Global Office team.

Board members are drawn from individuals who are, or have previously been, senior partners (or the equivalent) of Baker Tilly member firms and are elected for a four-year term by representatives exercising their votes through their member firms. The Board comprises directors from each of our regions and represents member firms of different sizes.

The International Board meets in person twice a year and on further occasions as required.


Francesca Lagerberg (CEO)
London, UK

Brian Kreischer (Chair)
Palo Alto, California, USA

Manuel Aguilar
Mexico City, Mexico

Scott Dupuis
Ontario, Canada

Thomas Gemmeke
Munich, Germany

Ralf Groening
Dusseldorf, Germany

Phibion Gwatidzo
Harare, Zimbabwe

Andrew Heng
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Audrey Katcher
St Louis, USA

Fred Kostecki
St Louis, Missouri, USA

Angela MacPhee
Colorado, USA

Xavier Mercade
Barcelona, Spain

Klaus Bauer-Mitterlehner
Vienna, Austria

Erik Moens
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Laure Mounier
Angers, France

Jingzhi (Justin) Qiu
Beijing, China

David Searle
Auckland, New Zealand

Rakesh Shaunak
London, UK


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