Five minutes with Marisa Hut

Marisa HutTell us about yourself

I’m Marisa Hut, Manager VAT & Customs with Baker Tilly in the Netherlands. I live in the countryside with my husband and our dog Cooper. Coordinating big cross border projects and helping businesses with their pan-Europe expansions is the main part of my job. In my time off I love travelling, spending time with people close to me, shopping and going out for nice dinner and some great Gin Tonics!

What makes you excited about Mondays?

Seeing my colleagues again and starting a week filled with new adventures, every week is different. We have a very nice team and chitchatting about our weekends, activities and having fun together makes me almost forget that the weekend just ended. Also during these times, we hold on to this and have daily virtual team sessions, weekly drinks on Friday and always with a fun game. Next week we will even have a virtual gym session held by one of our colleagues who is very sporty and is a licensed personal trainer.

What personality traits make a good leader?

Being positive, honest and staying true to yourself is a very important personality for a good leader.Being positive, honest and staying true to yourself is a very important personality for a good leader. I have learned from the best! People will follow you based on your personality and that way you have to possibility to build a team based on trust and collaboration. You should also need the willingness to invest in your people and show sincere interest. This will lead to fun while working and having people in your team which are willing to go the distance for each other.

How do you think attitudes towards remote working will change post COVID-19?

I think this will slightly change. People see the benefits of working remotely and therefore encourage it. However, the importance of being together with your colleagues and having social interaction was emphasised in the recent period were we worked separate and from home. I will be happy if I can go back to work again and see my team colleagues but also from the different offices, the other countries and of course our clients. Working from home for a couple days a week is definitely something we have to take into serious consideration.

What do you value most about working within the Baker Tilly network?

Working with different lovely people around the globe and tackling issues from a broad perspective. Everybody is so nice and friendly and cooperative. It is really wonderful! If we take on an international project, time and again it’s amazing to see that all countries work together and that we can smoothly assist a client in their business activities all over the globe. That way it is possible to work on an extensive scope and deal with challenges that weren’t possible without the Baker Tilly network.

Marisa Hut

What are your plans for the future?

Keep on building up our practice together with our great team and always keel on looking for challenges! Plus of course further expansion of the collaboration within the Baker Tilly network together with the Indirect tax core team. We have made some great plans for the future and are looking for ways to implement these. Collaboration is thriving and working on mutual proposals between the firms is developing more and more! It is great to see the changes.

Get to know us in five minutes


Chakib Zaari   Christine Anderson

Baker Tilly International
Baker Tilly International
Chakib Zaari

  Christine Anderson

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