Five minutes with Julian Arsuaga

Julian ArsuagaTell us about yourself

I'm Julian Arsuaga, a 35-year-old lawyer from Montevideo, Uruguay. I've been working for the firm since 2008 and Baker Tilly has become a big part of my personal and professional life.

If you were not a lawyer, what would you have liked to be and why?

This is one of our typical lunch discussions between colleagues at the office! I believe my "dream job" would be to have a travel and food TV programme... from a more realistic perspective, I'd have liked to be an engineer. Creating and engineering things can be a great challenge and keeps you challenging yourself.

If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started your career, what would it be?

Trust yourself, take it easy, take one step at a time and things will happen.

Trust yourself, take it easy, take one step at a time and things will happen.

Who inspires you and why?

Right now, my newborn son. He was born on 18 July 2021 and has freshened up my life and filled me with energy and motivation to keep on track.

What do you enjoy most about being part of the global Baker Tilly network?

Being part of something true, not just a brand name or a logo. Being part of this, writing these lines, having our calls, seeing how the sun rises on colleagues window while it sets down on mine, - these kinds of experiences are enjoyable and we shouldn’t take them for granted, but instead, we should seek to expand them as much as possible.

Julian Arsuaga

What opportunities are there for your firm in the next few years?

We are facing a change of an era. COVID was an overwhelming experience and gave us the opportunity to prove ourselves in new situations, adapt to this new normality and come together to face it. The same happened within the firm - facing a paradigm shift, breaking the status quo, we took this opportunity to adapt, evolve, adjust and learn new ways together with our colleagues. This will open new opportunities for the firm, both locally and internationally. People will start looking not only for great places to work or big salaries, but also for companies that understand them and can grow together.

Get to know us in five minutes


Agnes Sawyerr   Suyez Torrez

Baker Tilly International
Baker Tilly International
Agnes Sawyerr

  Suyen Torrez

Meet Agnes   Meet Suyen

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